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In my practice I have worked closely with people of all different ages and backgrounds over the years.  Receiving this kind of feedback from my clients is incredibly powerful, knowing that I have helped them during this difficult time in their lives.

Thank-you for all the support you have given me this past year. I would be in a big black hole without your guidance and caring. I could not have done...and continue to do...this alone. Meeting with you gives me strength.

"You are part of my history...and everyone else with whom you have a connection with during their grief. You really have helped me...from that first visit at my house. The journey continues...".​

- Evie





I have found a level of trust with you that makes me unafraid to open up. Know with certainty, Eileen, that I will absolutely not hesitate to reach out to you for your guidance and support in the future, should I need it.


Seems that talking about what our fears are is how we face and tackle them. We will see how it all goes, but I am not afraid anymore.​




So good to see you. I just find such direction when our time together is over and I feel renewed. Thank-you for the support and guidance you give me to get through this time of loss and grief.​



Thank-you so much for caring...without that first visit of yours here, I would not have known that I am on a journey. I would have felt alone, totally bereft and lost. I wouldn't be seeing some light at the end of this long and dark tunnel. Thank-you!



- Theresa
- Mary
- Matt
- Donald
- Sandy




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